This week at dance it was visitors week. This is one of two weeks during dance season that family and friends can watch the dance classes. Unfortunately we forgot the camera for Ashley's dance class, but trust me, she was the cutest little girl out there.
Emily really likes Jazz dance but the class she loves is the Acrobat class. She loves twisting and turning her body and becoming stronger. I remember being just like her when I was her age. Always wishing that I could take Gymnastics and trying to do all the tricks on my own. Amazing I didn't brake my neck not having someone to spot me. I am so happy that we can give these things to our girls.

The picture of me is two fold: first, I also am taking a Tapp class. I really wanted to take Jazz but the only Adult class they had was Tapp. But after seeing myself doing tapp I am glad I am not trying to move my body in Jazz with the ripples of fat giggling as I move. second, continuing the fat discussion, after my sister called me last week excited that she lost 3 lbs I knew I had to get on the ball. I was no longer sick and things are somewhat caught up so I needed to get back on track on losing weight. So this picture also serves to show how I look. Last Sunday I weighted 150 lbs. and I am very happy to report that I am now 147 lbs. My goal is to lose at least 1 lb. a week so by June 21, 2009 I should be at my goal. Slow and Steady wins the race.