Sunday, November 9, 2008

Dance and 3 lbs down!!!

This week at dance it was visitors week. This is one of two weeks during dance season that family and friends can watch the dance classes. Unfortunately we forgot the camera for Ashley's dance class, but trust me, she was the cutest little girl out there.

Emily really likes Jazz dance but the class she loves is the Acrobat class. She loves twisting and turning her body and becoming stronger. I remember being just like her when I was her age. Always wishing that I could take Gymnastics and trying to do all the tricks on my own. Amazing I didn't brake my neck not having someone to spot me. I am so happy that we can give these things to our girls.

The picture of me is two fold: first, I also am taking a Tapp class. I really wanted to take Jazz but the only Adult class they had was Tapp. But after seeing myself doing tapp I am glad I am not trying to move my body in Jazz with the ripples of fat giggling as I move. second, continuing the fat discussion, after my sister called me last week excited that she lost 3 lbs I knew I had to get on the ball. I was no longer sick and things are somewhat caught up so I needed to get back on track on losing weight. So this picture also serves to show how I look. Last Sunday I weighted 150 lbs. and I am very happy to report that I am now 147 lbs. My goal is to lose at least 1 lb. a week so by June 21, 2009 I should be at my goal. Slow and Steady wins the race.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ricker Halloween 2008

This week we had nothing but a Pooh, Jesse the Cowgirl, the Devil, and an Elf named Link running around the house. As soon as we had all of their costumes finished on Wednesday every morning they would come down from getting dressed in their Halloween costumes. I wonder how long it will last. One joy of home schooling, they can wear them as long as they want.

Thursday was the big day. We started by carving the pumpkins we got the weekend before. Joel picked out a hard design as always, but I think he did a good job trying to make all those twists and turns. It was a monster with a trick-or-treat bag. Emily as always with her creative mind didn't need a pattern to follow. Emily made her own design on a piece of paper and then transfered it onto her pumpkin for carving. Ashley not wanting to be different from her sister did the same. She said it was a wolf throwing a boomerang that if it touched you you would die. I had to trust her on that one. Gavin really did help me with a lot of his carving. If I tried to do any carving without his hand on the tool too it would be, "Mom, Mom, Mom", as he was pushing my hand out of the way. If Gavin sees the other doing something he knows he can do it too.

That night was beggers night in our town. The kids had a great time going around with dad and friend Nate getting as much candy as possible in only two hours. I remember going out as long as there were porch lights on and getting back home between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. Those were the days. Gavin and I handled the door at home. I am sure by next year Gavin will be able to say "Trick-or-Treat" and will be running along with the other kids.

As soon as they returned home and we checked their candy it was like we were on Wall Street, let the trading begin. Somehow Emily ended up with all the "big" candy bars. Needless to say after a late night the next day school started late, sugar high kids slowly did their school work and we finally finished around 4:00 p.m. I was thankful to see the weekend.