Gavin is Mister Handyman. James thought this little hammer was so cute. Gavin loves feeling like he is helping fix the house up. Such a big boy!

I guess James has Gavin working so hard that he fell asleep working on the computer.

Gavin really enjoyed Black Bean Soup we had for supper. These pictures really show Gavin's personality. He is always playing Peek-a-Boo. "Where's Gavin?".

"There he is."

*New Puppy*
I must be completely crazy to agree to get a puppy, but knowing how wonderful it is to have a pet when you are a child over ruled crazy. The best part about this puppy is that it was free. It is so hard to find a free puppy these days. It is a pure mutt. My vote for a name was licorice but the kids out voted me with Sally.
This is little Sally. May she be a friend, protector, and companion to my children in these wonderful years. I will never forget my childhood dog, Tut. She was a wonderful companion and friend to me when I was a small child.
Welcome to the Ricker Gang Sally!!
The Gavinator, hgow classic, that is just too funny and cute! Congrats on your new addition.
I understand about the puppy thing. I managed to go around 8 months with our puppy before giving up and selling her to a nice family who had only one baby and three other dogs. I figured they would know what to do with a hyper, chew-a-holic puppy and would have more time to do it. Good luck with yours. It is a great idea, on paper, that is.
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