It is fun to see him in his Blues since he has always thought he looks like hot stuff in his blues. Reminds me when we were first dating and the only reason why he would go to church with me is because he would dress up in his Blues to impress me. After 13 years he does look different, but he still looks hot :)
I am happy to have base privilages again with the wonderful savings of the commissary. I can actually shop within my budget again.

Are things really that much cheaper?
Most things are. The big saver is on meat. I can get Tyson boneless, skinless chicken breasts for about 1.70 give or take a few cents a pound compared to 2.50 or more at the regular store. All the groceries at the commissary is brand names at the off brand prices. It is wonderful :)
Those blues are a turn on - why is that?
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