Sunday, August 17, 2008

Rain, Family, Fun

As I was in the kitchen making dinner I heard the rain falling. I knew the girls were outside and I called for them to come in, but they must not have heard me since there was no response. I had not heard any thunder and therefore felt safe with them staying outside and knowing how fun it is to play in the rain. I grabbed the camera and tried to get some candid pictures but I only got one or two before being noticed. Emily and Ashley were in heaven running through the rain and splashing in the puddles. Isn't it wonderful to be a child.

How beautiful the full moon was this week. James took the oppurtuniy of the clear night to take a couple of nice shoots of the heavenly body.

We were lucky to have my brother Bill in Ohio for just one day. We jumped in the car and drove 1.5 hours to were he was to spend a few hours with him. All of the kids thought it was great to get to know Uncle Bill better and they had a blast trying to jump all over him. When the summers get to hot in Phoenix you should bring the whole family to Ohio Uncle Bill.

Gavin loves to climb into the cabinets. It is those sparkling eyes and heart melting smile that keeps him from getting in big trouble when he destroys everything.


Irene said...

I LOVE the rain pics. The girls are so sweet. It is wonderful to be a child! The blog looks great!

Bernadette said...

WONDERFUL post! I loved the rain pictures too. Am so glad you're blogging now. :)