Sunday, August 10, 2008

Dice, Sickness, Parades, & Chores

What a week we have had since we returned from PA last Sunday.

I didn't get any pictures of my first Bunco game, but I believe that everyone had a fun time. I am so excited to have started a Bunco group here in Ohio. It can in no way take the place of the wonderful women that I met in Germany, but it felt good having the dice in my hands again.

I loved visiting my brother and his family but I haven't enjoyed the week of Pink Eye that my children brought home. Three times a day with tea bags on their eyes.

Joel enjoyed walking in the community parade as part of his Cub Scout Pack. The Emily, Ashley, and Gavin probably got the better end of the deal with their bags of candy. They were nice siblings and shared with Joel when the parade was over.

Gavin always thinks he is a big boy. Gavin thinks that since Joel complains about mowing the lawn he will take over the job. Maybe in 7 years Buddy.

1 comment:

Brigitte Ballard said...

Tea bags work for pink eye? I had NO idea.